Leadership Style

Leadership Style Free Essay

Leadership can be described as the process whereby an individual charts the way for others or influences other individuals to achieve their full potential. It can also be defined as the process whereby an individual can help accomplish given tasks by influencing them to attain the set objectives or goals. Leadership can be exercised through motivation, inspiration or by exerting influence to help other those under his charge accomplish both personal or set goals and objectives (Charteris-Black 2010). Leaders chart the away for another individual to follow however the styles of leading can be very different hence they vary with the different leading individuals. Since individual is different and their motivations in life vary they require different influences to get the best out of them. Therefore the most effective leaders are those individuals who are dynamic and can adapt to the changing environments in order to accomplish their assigned roles. Leadership ahs vary techniques all aimed at achieving certain objectives or goals.

There are leaders who prefer to dictate to those who they are responsible for on the way they want things to be done. Or there those who prefer to influence other to accomplish their tasks by doing their best and being innovative so that they can accomplish any task with little supervision. The greatest and most necessary role in leadership is to ensure that given tasks are effectively and efficiently accomplished. My preferred leadership style involves letting individual that under my charge put their personal initiative into any task that we seek to accomplish. By doing this people get motivated and give their best since they know that their input is valued (Lussier and Achua 2010). It should be noted that leadership does not imply that any given individual has all the answers but by providing the right guidance solutions to seemingly impossible problems or tasks are quickly formulated. The result is usually a highly motivated team of individuals that are capable of effectively and efficiently accomplishing any set goals or any arising challenge. By ensuring that followers achieve their full potential one can easily mentor other into being future leaders. This can, therefore, ensure that there is someone else to step up in cases demise or incapacitation of a leader.

Leadership styles

Autocratic leadership this type of leadership is an old technique it involves the leader telling his subordinates the tasks that should be done. The leader also instructs his or her subordinates the way he or she expects the tasks to be accomplished. This style is mostly effective when employed to solve specific problems which the leader has all the information required to properly mitigate the problem without getting any additional information from the subordinates. It also effective when there is little time to accomplish a given task and the subordinates are highly motivated (Hellriegel & Slocum 2007). The style is however very limiting, especially when used by leaders with poor leadership qualities. It can be abused by harassing the subordinates or abusing them and therefore earning little or no trust from the followers. It can also lead to a poorly motivated group of followers since the leader is deemed to have all the answers, therefore, those following only do what they are told without going out of their way to make improvements in the tasks that they are supposed to accomplish. In another word they only do what they are supposed to do and nothing more. As noted earlier the style should, therefore, be employed on specific tasks and in certain conditions.

Democratic Leadership

Democratic Leadership is the type leadership that encourages all the individuals involved to share the responsibility (Kippenberger 2005). Therefore in any given task both the leader and his followers contributed or add their input in resolving or performing the tasks that they are faced with by giving out their best. Leaders who practice this style give their followers responsibility and delegate some of their responsibilities. It is, therefore, the most motivating style of leadership with the capabilities of producing successors. This is because the leaders who employ the method not only motivate their followers but mentor them into being future leaders by delegating responsibilities (Northouse 2010). The method is motivating in that leaders encourage feedbacks from their followers and consult on the best methodologies of accomplishing the tasks that are assigned. It is, therefore, capable of fostering positive environments where subordinates and their inputs are valued.

Bureaucratic Leadership

Bureaucratic leadership style involves the leader ensuring that his or her subordinate strictly follow and adhere to the rules, procedures, and regulations that are set by the bodies that they work for. Subordinates are therefore normally expected to be formal to their leaders and in their attitudes toward the tasks that are assigned (Dereli 2010). The style, unlike the democratic leadership style, therefore leaves no room for input by the subordinates. The style is mostly practiced in governmental organizations.

Strategies and interventions which are successful in motivating and influencing people to accomplish goals

In order to accomplish given goals, some of the most successful strategies that are employed by leaders in order to ensure that subordinates give their best input include rewards, recognition, and promotions. Rewards are set in such a way that if an individual achieves the set target they are rewarded for their efforts (Chew 2011). A leader can also set a target that when achieved by his or her subordinates their efforts are recognized this can be done by displaying their accomplishments in an open area for everyone to view. Leaders can also motivate their subordinates by promoting them for achieving set targets.

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