Evaluation Essays

An evaluation essay is written with the aim of assessing the quality of the discussed service, product, business, or any other issue. Though evaluation may involve some extent of subjectivity it still has to be objective. The statements you make about the matter under consideration have to be reasonable and based on concrete facts.

An evaluation essay is a piece of writing that performs a detailed analysis of the issue in accordance with a range of criteria. This type of paper can be also called an evaluative report or essay, and a critical evaluation essay.

When writing an evaluative report or essay, one has to support their viewpoint on the subject with strong arguments.

Note that when choosing a topic for such kind of academic work, one should concentrate on a particular product, program, etc. It means that you will be supposed to evaluate the very issue and not the whole range of subjects with the same characteristics. It is worth selecting the mater which you are well aware of. Thus, you will not find it difficult to set the evaluation criteria, put forward powerful evidence and create solid statements.

Usually, each of the body paragraphs provides detailed information, good examples and supporting evidence included, about a particular criterion according to which a product is analyzed. For this reason, it is essential to base one’s evaluation on diverse criteria. Thus, your academic work will be objective.

A thesis statement should be also presented in such type of essay. A thesis statement should clearly highlight the subject that is going to be assessed. For example, if a company meets the standards described in one’s piece of writing, general evaluation will be positive. In case, the discussed issue does not conform to the established norms, the evaluation will have a negative character.

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