Stepped-up Competition for Talent
Stepped-up Competition for Talent
Globalization has made it possible for people to work in different countries. Workers evaluate their options before deciding to start working for an organization. Thus, competition for competent workers is not only local, but also global. This fact makes it necessary for firms to adopt favorable cultures and practices that will enable them to retain skilled employees. This paper evaluates an issue faced by the HR department relating to attraction and retention of talented employees in the workplace and offers solutions and recommendations that can be used to solve the problem.
Talented workers with high levels of productivity determine whether a business will attain its objectives. Human resources are the supreme asset that an organization can acquire (Hunt & Weintraub, 2011). However, workers now have numerous options to choose from when deciding where they will work. Therefore, HR departments are now faced with the challenge of obtaining and retaining talented workers. Failure to do this results in a situation when organizations have low retention rates as employees resign to seek jobs in firms that address their concerns. Low employee retention in organizations makes firms spend a lot of money on recruiting and training new staff (Lawler, 2008).
Hence, the HR department has a crucial task of instigating policies and procedures that will motivate employees to stay in the organization. This action is achieved by adopting an appropriate culture, incorporating social responsibility, establishing employee safety and security measures, creating a positive work environment, and permitting global relocations and immigration policies. When a firm retains talented employees, it experiences increased efficiency and increased income since workers have higher productivity and help the business make good profits (Hunt & Weintraub, 2011).
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Organizational Culture
Organizational culture denotes procedures that a business implements for performing tasks and governing internal and external relationships. Organizations with good cultures attract and retain talented employees. For instance, many organizations have incorporated employee development and employee engagement in the workplace. These cultures motivate employees to increase their productivity. Employee development involves procedures that help improve performance of employees, for instance, by providing training (Vukotich, 2010). Training is conducted during workshops at which employees are taught new skills by experts in their respective fields. These skills help the staff to carry out their daily tasks better, hence increasing efficiency of the business.
Employee engagement entails the organization involving employees in the decision-making process. This culture helps the organization reduce operational costs since a lot of inefficiencies are avoided. Since workers interact with customers frequently, they have insight into clients’ preferences and requirements. Employee involvement is an appropriate tool for capturing this information to assist in restructuring products and demand that will ensure that products enjoy a high demand in the market (Hunt & Weintraub, 2011). Training is conducted during seminars organized by the management. A break from the usual functioning of the organization is vital in increasing staff motivation. Organizations adopt this culture to entice the best-performing employees who like to be consulted with regarding decisions made by the business.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Today, businesses have an additional responsibility to employees, clients, and the immediate environment where they operate. Emerging issues have raised concerns amongst the stakeholders, causing the need to embrace procedures that benefit the community. For instance, global warming has raised awareness amongst consumers, thus making them embrace products from organizations that employ green practices, which do not harm the environment. Nevertheless, from an employee’s perspective corporate social responsibility entails procedures such as enabling diversity, providing resources for disabled personnel, and enhancing advancement of female workers (Lawler, 2008).
For instance, allowing Muslims to dress in their attire and designing places for them to conduct their daily prayers in the organization constitute corporate social responsibility to employees. A business known for allowing this practice is likely to retain well-performing Muslim clients, while simultaneously receiving applications from many competent workers from different denominations since they will know that the organization will not hinder them from performing their religious activities. CSR activities are not intended to make profits, but are instead aimed at providing a way for the business to give back to the community and employees (Vukotich, 2010). An organization that allows advancement of females attracts and retains competent women since they want to be evaluated based on their performance and not their gender.
Workers’ Safety
Workers’ safety is of utmost significance since it determines whether employees will have good health in the long run to carry out their daily tasks. The majority of employees are now apprehensive of safety procedures adopted by their respective organizations. Safety systems are contingent on the type of the organization. For example, construction companies require substantial procedures and tools to ensure that workers are safe from falling objects and employees in the fishing industry may be at risk of drowning. Employees will often inquire into safety operations adopted businesses before they apply for positions (Hunt & Weintraub, 2011).
Businesses in the service industry may require fewer safety procedures due to the nature of their operations. Nevertheless, organizations now provide company vehicles to take employees back home during late night hours. Customer care representatives that answer calls from clients often work till late in the night, hence putting their security at risk due to robberies. These organizations thus provide safe transport for workers during late hours, this way addressing safety and security concerns of employees working during late hours (Hunt & Weintraub, 2011).

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Attracting Talent at the Recruitment Stage
Attaining talented employees commences at the recruitment stage (Lawler, 2008). When an organization obtains talented employees that have personal goals, they are less likely to leave the organization since higher pay is not their only source of motivation. As a matter of fact, when they are given better offers from competitors of the business, employees approach the management and present the offers to the current employers who may decide to match the competitor’s offer or ask employees to wait until they get a replacement. However, employees will only exemplify this behavior when they have a good relation with the current management.
Otherwise, they will leave abruptly, causing a significant disturbance in organizational processes. During the recruitment process, the management engages in comprehensive assessments to obtain talented employees that are not only concerned with money, but also professional development (Hunt & Weintraub, 2011). Consequently, the management ensures that employees advance their careers by facilitating them to engage in further studies and allowing them to pursue individual goals. This approach ensures that there is talent in the firm and that employees are stimulated to stay in the organization.
Favorable Immigration Policies and Global Relocations
Businesses that facilitate foreign employees to bring their entire family retain talented employees. Often, foreign employees work in overseas countries and are thus away from their families. This makes it likely for them to quit and seek employment in their local state so that they are close to their family. This move results in businesses losing talented workers. Thus, organizations that give employees perks such as houses and better allowances to enable them to bring their family in the foreign country retain talented workers (Hunt & Weintraub, 2011)
Creating an Atmosphere of Civility and Respect
A positive environment in the workplace is vital for increased productivity. Organizations experiencing numerous conflicts between the management and employees or among employees exhibit lower levels of productivity. A positive work environment is created by establishing favorable procedures that prevent and address conflicts in a manner that is acceptable to all employees. Inadequate information flow from the management to employees is a primary cause of conflicts in many organizations. Thus, it is important for the organization to establish policies that will avert conflicts (Lawler, 2008).
Break Bureaucracy
Numerous businesses have discarded bureaucracy in the workplace since this is the primary reason why information may fail to reach employees on time. When there are multiple procedures involved in conveying information and carrying out tasks, organizational tasks are delayed, which lowers motivation of workers. Discarding bureaucracy allows employees to interact freely with the management. Thus, positive collaborations are created in the workplace, which improves productivity (Vukotich, 2010). Talented workers prefer this system since it allows them to provide their views and feedback to the management directly.
The HR department should conduct regular surveys to find out employees’ concerns. The surveys will help the HR address emerging issues that may result in employees leaving the organization. Staff appraisal is a good solution that should be used to assess and reward talented employees. It is a process during which employee’s performance is evaluated in order to determine which employees fulfill organizational tasks efficiently. The best performing workers receive various rewards. The underlying notion of this process is to motivate employees in the business. The staff appraisal should be conducted on a regular basis so as to capture performance of employees at different times of the year.
Attracting and retaining talented employees makes it necessary for organizations to adopt favorable practices that motivate employees. Even though a better pay is the most important source of motivation, many employees are now concerned with the organizational culture of the business. Many employees prefer companies that have similar objectives and incorporate CSR into their operations. Workers are also concerned with safety and security measures that can protect them from physical harm. All the procedures an organization chooses in the process of managing employees determine whether talented employees will stay in the organization or seek options from organizations with better perks and a more suitable organizational culture. The aforementioned alternatives and recommendations can significantly help businesses attract and retain talented workers who will ensure that firms experience increased efficiency and improved income.

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