Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment Awareness Plan

Every day cases concerning sexual harassment are being filed within the administrative offices of several companies. There are many reasons leading to the abuses ranging from misuse of power to provocation dressing by individuals. However, it is expected that such incidents can happen within the workplace. The main concern is the side effects that usually come along with them. As a result, a lot of tension is created in the workplace. The decrease in a company’s productivity happens due to a lack of unity within the departments. To prevent issues related to sexual harassment, people need to learn more about it. Proper planning for sexual harassment training ensures employees have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills concerning sexual abuse.

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Employee training should take place in groups. Managers and supervisors will form several groups and one of them will constitute the organization’s administration. Apart from getting trained on how to handle sexual harassment, the abuse of power will also be discussed. Many senior officials misuse power to reward or employ individuals. A second group will involve female employees. They will get specific training about preventing sexual harassment, especially from their male counterparts. The last group will be male employees. They will get training, concerning the prevention of harassment from female counterparts. The key objectives to be met will include making a clear definition of sexual harassment. Identify scenes considered to be harassment and those not meeting the threshold. A review of the organizational and national laws concerning sexual harassment will be discussed too. Another important topic relates to myths that revolve around sexual harassment and the reasons why it should be avoided.

Training Design

The half-day format needs to be applied during the training. This is because the training is detailed hence short durations will enhance maximum understanding (Quick & McFadyen, 2017). Several groups need to be trained in different locations and durations. Therefore, brief sessions will ensure efficient and on-time training. Individuals in different locations will receive their training through blended learning. The instructor-led training will be combined with e-learning. Several core elements regarding the training objectives will be identified such as a definition of sexual harassment, retaliation when harassed, and reporting methods formed part of the core values.

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Outsourcing a sexual harassment training company will enhance it to lead the whole process. A secure conference room will be created whereby instructors will be demonstrating and narrating on chosen topics. The training will incorporate both sexual harassment knowledge and behavior change for involved individuals. Sometimes, an act occurs and no reporting is done. Such individuals may be attending the training sessions and information targeting them will challenge their behavior. The actual training will involve physical attendance of some training while others will do it through e-learning (Magley, Fitzgerald, Salisbury, Drasgow, & Zickar, 2013). Demonstrations will be done on how to retaliate during harassment and the ways of documenting the scenes that have taken place. Individuals will be requested to participate in the demonstrations by instructors and question answering taken into consideration. While assessing learning, the instructor gives an understanding of the concepts to the audience so they can comprehend all the materials.

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Training is very important if the trainees get the message intended for them. The audience should recap the training with the information that the instructor has been delivering. Mostly, it takes place through question-answer formats. Carrying out a survey a few months after the training will reveal any changes in particular with sexual harassment. The analysis of documentation will indicate the number of reported cases. If the cases were few or could have declined in numbers, credit goes to the training given to the employees. Personal questionnaires to be filled by the employees and the administration will confirm any behavior changes.

In summary, well-planned training for sexual harassment lowers the number of abuse cases within an organization. Employees will be grouped into categories to create better performance and half-day training will be applied by instructors from a hired training firm. Assessment by the instructors will be done at the end of the training after demonstrations are offered to determine the level of understanding. Later evaluations through questionnaires and interviews will provide data on the sexual harassment charges within the company.

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