Technology in Health Care


Health care depends on technology for ongoing progress. The lack of participation of the government in the process of implementation of new technologies results in the ineffectiveness of the whole healthcare system in the long-term perspective. This research paper aims to assess the importance of health care lobbying for technological development in the industry as well as to explain the role of individuals in this process. Drawing on the existing studies in the field, the nature of new technologies and their implementation were evaluated. The level of access to technologies of the general population as well as the importance of governmental engagement was investigated. The study showed that the government is not sufficiently involved in the employment of innovative technologies. Thus, this participation should be encouraged by raising public awareness and discussions on the topic.

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Keywords: health care, technology, lobbying

Technology in Health Care

Technology is playing a crucial role in the modern world because of a few factors. First of all, it allows ensuring the maximum effectiveness of all the processes that occur today. Secondly, technology raises the level of accuracy. Accuracy is ultimately important in health care, as it contributes to minimizing errors and provides for better patient outcomes. That is why the ongoing development of technology in health care has allowed saving a great number of lives as well as improving the quality of life for many people. However, it is essential to note that technology not only increases the quality of care but also helps medical professionals to enhance their practices. Therefore, technologies integrated into clinical practice will ensure the effective use of information. Health care workers should be aware of these drivers to be able to align with them for maximum effectiveness. Patients are an integral part of the health care industry so their needs have to be the top priority since technology has to provide for the best possible health outcomes. Thus, the local governments have to be lobbied for funds to support technological development in the health care industry.

Health Care and Technology

The topic of health care and technology is considered to be ultimately important in the modern world because of its significant level of dependence on technological advancements. The majority of health care processes are already dependent on technology while other domains show an extreme need for innovations. The number of possible technological trends and drivers in health care is substantial meaning that it is necessary to cover this information to secure that healthcare professionals, as well as patients, can see the clear path of development in the long run. Moreover, the understanding of technological trends and potential opportunities helps to achieve a higher quality of health care services. Patients are the major participants of health care, and they have to be informed to make the right decisions when choosing between different types of treatment and procedures. There is no doubt that the level of expertise that a physician or a nurse treatment has is the key element for ensuring the effectiveness of treatment. However, it is also necessary to state that a patient who is not aware of current trends and processes in health care is not able to fairly and accurately evaluate the medical practitioner to whom he/she entrusts his/her health. In case patients understand technological trends in health care, they can make informed decisions, contribute to the overall improvement of health care services as well as lobby the local governments for funds to support technological development in the industry. Hence, this specific topic was chosen to make certain that the level of expertise of the general population can be increased in the field; as a result, technology can help the healthcare sector to thrive and advance in the long-term perspective with the support of the public awareness. In its turn, public awareness can become a driving force for local governments to better concentrate on funding the implementation of new technologies rather than on the process of dealing with health care issues that cannot be solved without appropriate technological support. These problems include poor accuracy and ineffectiveness of treatment.

The Current Relevance of Material

Health care is an industry that is highly dependent on legal lobbying. The underlying reason for this can be the fact that the major driving force of this sector involves the people who have to share their ideas and insights with the local movements to ensure that the quality of provided care is improved. Thus, the process of health care growth and development is undertaken in such a way in the modern world. Health care lobbying is all about making patients the area of special interest (Jacobs & Skocpol, 2015). During the last decade, healthcare lobbying was mainly associated with healthcare spending on pharmaceutical products. People and health care organizations were not satisfied with exorbitant prices for all pharmaceutical products including the vital ones. Due to the ongoing discussion and the attempts to lobby the local governments, the topic received widespread media attention thereby motivating the members of the US Congress to concentrate on such issues as the implementation of strict price control for pharmaceutical products. As a result of lobbying that led to the decisive and large-scale actions of Congress, the health care industry of the United States faced a remarkable enhancement in the form of a broader range of treatment options that are available for patients with different income levels as well as a lower barrier for consumers in terms of access to the key pharmaceutical products (Kushel & Bindman, 2004). Hence, this example from the past illustrates the considerable power that the process of lobbying has in terms of ensuring substantial improvements in medical services as well as the health care industry as a whole.

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Today, there is a need for advancements in health care technologies that can save countless lives. That is why the ability to understand the role of technology and recent trends in the field can help to attract the necessary amount of public attention as well as influence decisions of Congress and local governments that can provide the resources required to achieve progress in technological development in health care. The relevance of this topic can also be explained by the fact that it discusses the desirable technological trends in the industry and allows identifying the main problems, solutions, and outcomes.

Technologies and Their Integration into Clinical Practice

There is a large number of different technologies that the modern health care sector relies on. Combined, these technologies create a perfect network and almost an ideal system that ensures the superior quality of medical care delivered to patients. However, the lack of financial resources in some regions makes it impossible to implement the technologies and to secure that every patient can receive high-quality care despite his or her level of income. Nevertheless, it is essential to highlight the integration of technologies into clinical practice.

The first and the most frequently used technology in the health care industry that is ultimately important for accurate diagnostics is called PET/MRI scanners (Pichler, Kolb, & Schlemmer, 2010). The technology allows delivering personalized care with a focus on individualized prevention and therapy (Pichler et al., 2010). In its turn, this is translated into a comprehensive therapy that helps to maximize benefits and minimize risks for patients. It is also critical to note that PET/MRI scanners are universal meaning that they do not need customization to particular patient conditions to remain effective. Therefore, a hospital or other healthcare setting that uses these scanners can ensure the highest level of convenience for healthcare professionals and patients as well as facilitate cost savings.

The second technology that the modern health care industry relies on is 3D printing which is capable of making custom objects in a fast and efficient manner. The technology has great potential in surgery and transplantology; however, the cost of its implementation is enormous (Michalski & Ross, 2014). Moreover, 3D printing technology is relatively new meaning that there is a need to constantly invest in the process of making improvements and promoting the ongoing development. Finally, the third technology that is associated with 3D printing is custom drugs. The link between custom drugs and 3D printing can be explained by the fact that both technologies are aimed at securing a great level of personalization (Bhattacharjee, Urrios, Kang, & Folch, 2016). Because all patients are different in terms of physical characteristics, the ability to provide customized care can dramatically increase the quality of health care delivery. However, every new technology may exert significant side effects. That is why financial support from the government is required to ensure sufficient and comprehensive research in the field. Consequently, innovative technologies cannot be integrated into clinical practice without the support of health care lobbying.

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The Use of Information in Clinical Setting

Every medical technology discussed above depends on the process of using information about the patient and his or her condition. This statement means a flow of big data regularly that has to be managed effectively in order not to impact patients in terms of violation of ethical health care practice. It is a well-known fact that patients generate huge amounts of information that are called patient records. Today, being supported by new computer technologies, the majority of health care organizations in the world moved from paper to computerized records. This trend has made patient care easier and more efficient because of the ability to access any information fast and at any time. In the nearest future, as a result of the mass implementation of the technologies discussed above, namely 3D printing and custom drugs, the quality of information as well as its amount will increase dramatically. Moreover, as the number of patient data will be growing, the healthcare industry will be able to have greater insights and a better understanding of such aspects as the quality of care and minimization of negative outcomes. The incremental cost of adding patients will be extremely low so that the economy of scale will facilitate the ongoing technical developments. However, there is a need to establish appropriate infrastructures to attain this goal. This information has to be used to make sure that the government, as well as the general public and healthcare professionals, are aware that technological improvements are required to achieve the level of development that can allow creating an effective healthcare environment for all stakeholders, in particular the government (from the economical perspective), patients (from the perspective of the quality of care) as well as health care professionals (from the perspective of work effectiveness).


The local governments have to be lobbied for funds to support technological progress in the health care industry because progress is nearly impossible without governmental support. That is why health care lobbying plays a crucial role in the process of facilitating technological development in health care. The significance of health care lobbying and its power to make a change is illustrated by the fluctuations in prices for pharmaceutical products. This case can be used for ensuring a better understanding of the importance of collective work for making a positive contribution.

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