Nursing Staff
Nursing Staff
Currently, there is no consensus regarding the parameters used to assess the nursing staff of healthcare institutions and the quality of their services. Listing the qualities of a specialist at any level is not a universal assessment. In this regard, the management of the hospital has proposed an approach that considers not only personal and business qualities, but also professional knowledge and skills, as well as the qualification level of a specialist. Thus, the system of improving the activities of nursing staff in the institution has been reorganized so that its professional potential can be effectively used to improve the quality of medical care. To implement the conceived research, an integrated approach has been developed and used. It has provided a fundamental change in the efficiency of the nurse’s work as a specialist (Laureate Education (Producer), 2012g). The nurses’ roles and responsibilities have been changed in the following way. First, the nurses’ role has been assessed in various positions in healthcare; this has enabled them to gain possibilities for improving nursing care and the development of nursing staff in modern conditions. Second, the existing organization of activities of nursing specialists, including the principles of selection, the practice of placement of nurses, and models of nursing personnel jobs in various positions, has been expanded (Mitchell, 2013). Finally, nurses have been granted the right to individually assess the labor potential of co-workers based on the method of expert assessments.
The factors that have an impact on the selection of medical workers are determined during the system analysis of their activities, which is the basis for creating models of workplaces for nursing specialists occupying various positions. Analysis and assessment of the potential of the work activities of medical workers, as well as the level of skill of a specialist in the course of his/her activity, have allowed for determining the approaches to the placement of personnel and staff rotation within a medical institution, determining the compliance of a person’s characteristics with a workplace model, and establishing an employee’s professional suitability and career growth (Shirey, 2013). Systematization of factors affecting the professional competence of medical workers, their analysis, and assessment has helped to form an effective system of vocational training that considers educational programs as the basis for improving practical skills and ability to perform new labor functions. It has also been determined that nursing organizers do not determine important professional qualities of candidates for vacant positions. In particular, the heads of healthcare institutions are mainly guided by the length of service, age, and experience of a specialist when hiring nursing professionals. The initial data for the placement of nursing personnel are found in standard documents such as an employee’s file and materials of the attestation commission. An integrated approach to assessing the activities of nursing staff has allowed for the development of job models for the nursing staff in various positions using dedicated software. The components of each model include qualitative and quantitative characteristics, the main of them being professional knowledge, professional skills, personal qualities, and the qualification level of a specialist.

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The implemented changes have been positive for the quality of nurses’ performance as the quality of nursing professionals’ working life significantly affects the overall performance of healthcare institutions. Its improvement has made it possible to avoid staff turnover, man up jobs, and motivate nursing staff to work (McAlearney et al., 2014). At the same time, the newly adopted process can be improved by implementing the following suggestions. First, the quality of nursing staff’s working life should be determined using criteria such as wages, workplace, teamwork, organization management, career, and social guarantees (Batras, Duff, & Smith, 2016). Second, an individual assessment of the labor potential of nursing specialists should be conducted using the method of expert assessments, and ranking the elements of the specialist’s workplace and workplace models. This will allow the management to correctly plan the placement of specialists and postgraduate training, and create a picture of the direct impact of the employee’s career growth on the quality indicators of the medical service as a whole (Marquis & Huston, 2017). Finally, it is worth noting that the nursing personnel who currently have different levels of education lack professional knowledge, which makes up 54% of the total amount of knowledge necessary for professional activities. Furthermore, they do not know how to use this knowledge in practice and are unable to apply the acquired knowledge in the process of work (Hoeve, Jansen & Roodbol, 2014). Therefore, it is recommended to design and implement programs that will contribute to nurses’ education process in terms of continuous education and self-education. As a result, the effectiveness of the professional development of nursing personnel should be based on the following elements; creating a planning and forecasting training system, forming requirements for nursing personnel workplaces, conducting professional and psychological assessments of nursing specialists, analyzing their performance, and selecting competent specialists for vacant positions.
The statements and conclusions put forward are of practical importance for determining directions and ways to increase the efficiency of the functioning and development of the nursing staff in medical institutions. The proposed workplace models can be used when taking a candidate for a vacant place when assessing the labor potential of a nursing specialist, when certifying nursing staff, and when conducting self-assessment by nursing staff. Recommendations can be implemented in the management system of medical and preventive treatment facilities of various profiles. The results of the analysis have found their practical reflection in improving the activities of nursing staff in medical institutions.

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