Terrorism Activity
Terrorism Activity
In today’s conditions, one can observe an escalation of the terrorist activity of extremist organizations and the increase in complexity and inhumanity of their actions. The causes of the terror lie in the growth of crisis phenomena, the inability of societies to regulate complex socio-political processes, or the rapid change in the systems of human and political ideals and values. The central elements of terror include capturing hostages, kidnapping political activists, murdering them, as well as extorting money, special materials, vehicles, and weapons. Terrorism is a widespread phenomenon in the current world, which is mainly concentrated in the Syrian region and involves countries such as the USA, Russia, Jordan, etc., whose goal is to stop terrorism because it is a threat not only to one country but also to the whole world.
Many terrorist attacks take all over the world every day, and the majority of them are conducted in the Middle East region, where the situation is always restless. The large-scale current incident took place in As-Suwayda province, Syria, on 25 July 2018. It became the reason for almost 300 victims and at least 38 deaths (Tass, 2018). According to the report, terrorist attacks were carried out by the Islamic State in areas controlled by the Syrian government (Tass, 2018). Terrorists detonated explosive devices near the market to kill and injure the local population, even though the national defense forces repulsed some of these attacks (Tass, 2018). Armed gangs invaded the territory from the Iraqi border; the terrorists also captured the village settlers, making them hostages.
The situation in the region has compelled the USA to become involved in addressing the terrorist threat. The reaction of the Syrian government to the catastrophic situation in the country is of concern to the US government. This is because the current Syrian government not only ignores the threat of terrorism, which leads to the victims and deaths among the locals but also refuses to deal with foreign fighters who use Syria as a transit route to Iraq. It also supports Palestinian militants, who desire to get hold of weapons of mass destruction. It is known that US troops are placed in the Syrian regions that constantly suffer from terrorism to protect locals and maintain peace. Thus, when the terroristic attack took place, the US army started the antiterrorist operation in the villages of Duma, Tima, and al-Matouna with support from the Syrian Air Force (The Guardian, 2018). Additionally, tough US sanctions on the Syrian regime are carried out in coordination with the countries of Europe, Asia, and the Arab world. Consequently, the USA army force has taken evident participation in the anti-terrorist operation in Syria to fight terrorism.
The historical underlying factors that have caused the rise of terrorism include disagreements between states and the current Syrian government as well as the complicated situation in Syria. Particularly, the country is torn by the complicated, almost unresolved civil war that began between the Assad government and opposition forces in March 2011 (GardaWorld, 2018). The turmoil caused by the civil war has facilitated the increase in terrorist activity. As a result, there are a lot of victims and hostages. Currently, the conflict involves the Syrian government, Russia, Iran, Turkey, the US coalition, and numerous armed groups on the ground, including the Islamic State, with competing purposes (GardaWorld, 2018). Therefore, the factors behind the rise of terrorism include long-term internal disagreement in Syria and controversy at the expense of the border of Syria between many states.

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Terrorism is carried out as a struggling underground that is forcible, purposeful, and driven by ideology. Victims of terror can be random or selective. There are no clear indications that a terrorist recognizes a potential victim. However, terrorists tend to target weaker victims, namely women and children. They are often taken captive because they are considered important in society. Such a strategy is not constant but frequent. Terrorists always carry out attacks for a certain purpose, but their actions are directed at ordinary people who do not have additional methods of defense.
The ultimate goal of terrorists is panic and anxiety in a country, which will allow them to commit offenses and remain unpunished. In the broad sense, they rely on the use or threat of violence to achieve political, religious, or ideological purposes. Terrorism lies in the deliberate seizure of hostages, arson, murder, torture, intimidation of the population and authorities, or the commission of other encroachments on the life or health of innocent people to attain certain goals. Moreover, the objectives of terrorists can appear at the international level which affects the interests of two or more states and violates international law and order. Such terrorism is aimed at disrupting relations between two states. In this case, one of the states may be the sponsor of terrorism and use it to either impinge upon the territorial integrity of the other state or force it to conclude a beneficial agreement. Therefore, the goals of terrorism can vary from domestic and international.
There are specific measures taken by the world’s armed forces to combat terrorism in Syria as well as worldwide, and they are in process of development. The current practices include the constant protection of territories that are often subjected to terrorism, the involvement of not only domestic troops but also the UN in case terrorism entails a large number of victims, and costs that the state is unable to cover. The states involved in the Syrian conflict are constantly applying sanctions against the Syrian government that is unable to overcome terrorism in the country. The US government has repeatedly called on President Bashar al-Assad to resign and allow forming a transitional government (The Guardian, 2018). However, despite all the above-mentioned practices, the number of terrorist acts does not decrease. The future practices may include the imposition of a death penalty for terrorists in those states where religion and law allow it, as well as deployment of UN forces in the borders and cities of the states where terrorism is at its peak.
In conclusion, terrorist attacks are mainly concentrated in the Syrian region, and states such as the USA, Russia, and Jordan are constantly involved in the fight against terrorists, considering it as a threat to the whole world. The recent large-scale terrorist attack took place in As-Suwayda province. To stop terrorism, American troops were involved. The historical underlying factors that have caused the terror act include the disagreements between states and the current Syrian government and the ongoing civil war in Syria. The victims of terror can either be selected randomly to spread anxiety and fear in the country or predetermined to gain something in exchange for them. Overcoming terrorism requires the use of certain measures, such as permanent military presence in vulnerable areas, sanctions, or the involvement of United Nations troops around the world.

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