Case Study: Kings Cross Shooting
Case Study: Kings Cross Shooting
Most committed crimes have similar core reasons so that they can be easily forecasted by the police and prevented by joint efforts of law enforcement, government, and local authorities where crimes are committed. Violence in licensed venues is quite spread all over the world due to many different reasons. Kings Cross shooting is a bright example. Nevertheless, with the help of preventive policing like hot-spot, problem-oriented policing, and others initiatives, such situations could have been prevented.
The Analysis of Kings Cross Shooting
Problem-oriented policing is another very effective model of crime-solving. Instead of combating against negative and violent consequences of each crime, the police can fight against its underlying conditions (Braga 2008). Each type of crime that occurs frequently or regularly at one place has its direct reason that can be changed (Wortley & Townsley 2017). It will not make the rate of crime drop to 0%, but it will decrease it significantly. Community policing as a strategy of a partnership between different links of society is also essential since problem-oriented policing is impossible without the joint efforts of police, governments, and owners of problematic territory.
Kings Cross shooting is a tragic accident that could have also been avoided by following several steps. The first one is the introduction of id scanners in Kings Cross. From that moment, each person in Kings Cross has known that there are few chances to avoid punishment. Due to this fact, assaults related to alcohol reduced by 32%, which is a great result (Kings Cross id scanners help fight crime 2015). This initiative also allows identifying fake IDs.
Another component of successful preventative policing is the high quality of staff training. Kings Cross is a place with nightclubs, pubs, and other territories with high crime rates so that even ordinary waiters should know how to defend themselves (Kings Cross evolving into a vibrant lifestyle precinct n. d.). Security guards should be professionals that use their arms well. Thus, there should be regular professional training for the guards (Crawford & Evans 2016). Furthermore, the police should send its best police officers to such hot spots in pursuit of professional cooperation.

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The next important issue was presented by the Wellington experiment. According to it, such hot spots like Kings Cross should be places of increased police presence and public health officials’ attention (Homel 2012). If there were more police officers when the Kings Cross shooting happened, criminals could have been caught quicker so that no people could have been harmed. Furthermore, the presence of public health officials also can save numerous lives. Hence, those measures will not prevent the crime but will lighten its consequences.
It is a well-known fact that many crimes in such places are caused by alcohol. Even though alcohol was not a reason for the Kings Cross shooting, it has become a cornerstone for many crimes in such places. It is the reason services should be encouraged to refuse to give alcoholic drinks to people that are already very drunk and cannot control themselves normally (Homel 2012). According to estimates, such refusals can reduce the crime rate related to alcohol by 29% (Homel 2012).
Supportive organizational structure is an additional strategy in combating criminals. The territory of Kings Cross nightclub is very accessible to the public (Kings Cross evolving into a vibrant lifestyle precinct n. d.). The nightclub cannot limit the access to the road near it, but it should create a special territory where visitors can safely wait in a queue for the nightclub. If there had been such a place in Kings Cross, criminals would not have harmed anyone.
Even though Kings Cross includes a nightclub, it can have early hours of closing. Kings Cross shooting happened at 4 am, so in case it was already closed, the accident would not have happened (The Farce 2012). Recently, Kings Cross introduced the policy of early close. During only a year, it gave great results. Sexual assaults fell by about 21% while such assaults with big bodily harm were reduced by 43%. Ordinary assaults decreased by two times. There are much fewer robberies, which constitute only 43% of the previous rate, while car theft has fallen by 45% (Miller 2015). Therefore, early hours of close are beneficial both for police and Kings Cross owners.
Therefore, the great way of crime prevention is reducing the opportunities for criminals to commit a crime. Preventing policing is the best strategy that can be applied to the case of the Kings Cross shooting. Kings Cross is a hot spot where crimes are committed frequently due to similar reasons. Thus, the strategy of preventing policing that includes community policing, problem-oriented policing, hot-spot policing, and other initiatives is the best one in this case.
Therefore, the King’s Cross shooting accident could have been prevented through the appliance of preventing policing. It involves the introduction of id scanners, high-quality staff training, increased police, and public health officials’ presence, service’s refusal to sell alcohol to drunks, proving special organizational infrastructure, and early hours of closing. Those simple steps reduce the opportunities for people to commit crimes. As a result, following those measures, Kings Cross can become a safe place for its visitors and prevent further crimes on its territory.

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