Infectious disease supplement(AIDS)
Infectious Disease Supplement (AIDS)
AIDS being an infectious disease has been a world epidemic for a long time. Various researches have been conducted in an attempt to find a cure to no avail. The late discovery of antiretroviral drugs made it possible to control the multiplication of the infection inside the body but with no cure. The illness deprives its victims of health; however, the use of supplements has aided in the maintenance of the normal functioning of the body through intensifying the immune system (Mandell, Bennett, and Dolin 109). AIDS leaves the body weak and unable to fight and resist other diseases. The body becomes incapable of repairing itself in the event of injury. Supplements boost immunity and reinstate its imperviousness, thus controlling the dominance of the virus. The inclusion of supplements into patients’ treatment programs has facilitated the act of prolonging the lives of many people.
The management of AIDS includes the administration of supplements to patients. Since such patients usually develop various conditions caused by opportunistic illnesses that appear due to weak immunity, they ought to be treated efficiently. The symptoms an individual may show, e.g. diarrhea, depression, or low body mass index, are well managed by the use of supplements, which help the body function normally. The supplemented treatment prescribed by a physician can regulate the hydration of the body and increase the body weight of the sick person. Supplements, when properly taken, have the capability of improving the immune system of the patient to the level of an ordinary healthy person (Marrazzo et al. 14). The body requires assistance because of the unique nature of the virus. The AIDS virus, being a type of retrovirus, utilizes an exclusive enzyme, known as a reverse transcriptase that copies the RNA genome to DNA. The use of antiretroviral drugs in combination with supplements helps to minimize and even stop the copying process of the reverse transcriptase. Failure to control its function leads to another process, in which the DNA goes further to incorporate itself into the genome of the host cell. The AIDS virus regularly exhibits extensive latent duration in that the genomes are copied and dispersed to progeny cells every moment the cell splits. The process weakens the body’s immune system and makes it possible for other infections to invade the body. The use of supplements is aimed at restoring patients’ previous state of health (Mader and Windelspecht 159).
Infectious diseases are disorders facilitated by organisms like fungi, parasites, bacteria, or viruses. Numerous organisms stay in and on people’s bodies. Some of them are usually harmless and are of great benefit to our bodies. Under particular conditions, the organisms might cause illnesses (Siegfried, Uthman, and Rutherford 211). Some infectious diseases may be transferred from one individual to another through bites originating from insects and animals, while others are obtained through ingestion of food that might be contaminated or when victims are exposed to the surroundings where the organisms are present. Others are transmitted through viruses like AIDS. AIDS is referred to as the syndrome that is acquired due to a deficiency of immunity and is in itself a spectrum of illnesses of the system of human immunity facilitated by the virus of human immunodeficiency or HIV (Kalichman 157). The term denotes all the infections that are caused by HIV. In the early stages of infection, the individual might experience a short period of flu-like sickness. It is normally followed by a long period without any indications of symptoms. As the disease progresses, it obstructs the immune system to a greater extent. In that condition, the individual becomes more venerable to other infections, such as tumors and opportunistic infections. The late symptoms of the infection are, therefore, referred to as AIDS.
Supplements are the substances taken to make up for the situation of the deficiency of nutrients. Though supplements are normally administered in capsule, pills, or tablet form, they might also be in liquid or powder, and occasionally are injected directly into the body. Supplements are habitually taken for the enhancement and control of various aspects of bodily health, including the health of the bones, the improvement of brain function, etc. They are also used for controlling the condition of dehydration and diarrhea, depression, body mass, and lipids in the body (Horvath et al.146). People living with HIV and AIDS use supplements to advance and control their bodily health. The condition of the disease makes normal food insufficient for the body because the virus impairs the system of immunity and forces it to function in overdrive. For further innovation in the methods suitable for the management of the illness, various researches have been done to deliver humans from the menace.
A case study was used in the research to discover essential details. The method of research was used to facilitate the exactitude of the results and to guarantee easy analysis of the data collected. The patients and staff of seven medical organizations that had facilities for testing HIV and AIDS and counseling services were involved in the research. The selected organizations offered free drugs and supplements critical for the management of AIDS. Seven chief executive managers of the selected organizations were chosen to participate in the study. The departments of different organizations varied in numbers from three to four and included: the diagnosis department, counseling department, treatment department, and supply department. The managers of those departments were also chosen as part of the sample of the study. Five departmental heads were involved in the study. Ten subordinate staff members from each department were used in the study on the condition that they were permanently employed and had a history of working in the organization for more than five years in succession. Seven employees from each medical organization who had signed contracts for more than three years with the organizations were also involved in the study. Twenty patients suffering from AIDS participated in the research. Ten of the chosen individuals took both antiretroviral drugs and supplements. Five other patients were administered antiretroviral drugs without any supplements. The other five were taking neither antiretroviral drugs nor supplements.

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The AIDS micronutrient supplements have been used by physicians as dietary advice to patients suffering from the illness. The proper use of supplements has ensured healthy living for patients with no stress and minimal upcoming ailments (Horvath et al.137). However, selenium, as a supplement, has exhibited tentative evidence of being advantageous to sick people. Whereas, the vitamin A supplement administered to individuals anguishing from the ailment has resulted in quick recovery especially when mixed with antiretroviral drugs. The children born with the disease acquired from their mothers, had prolonged lives, some even till their twenties because of cautious provision with supplements. Appropriate supplement use in little children diminishes the chances of mortality and enhances progressive growth (Linden 834).
The supplementation of multivitamins to lactating and pregnant mothers suffering from AIDS has nutritionally compromised and improved the results for both the children and mothers. RDA of dietary micronutrient intake by HIV-infected patients is suggested by the World Health Organization. In the levels of RDA, when the micronutrients are taken by HIV patients, great improvements are seen in the health of a person. The WHO additionally states that numerous studies display that supplements of zinc and iron might create unfavorable effects in adults who have tested HIV positive (Mandell, Bennett, and Dolin 207). Zinc supplements are not necessarily provided to sick adults suffering from AIDS, since they might cause complications that may be mistaken for some diseases associated with the illness. As a suitable treatment and for control of the infection, iron is given to a sick individual to ensure a positive response.
Since HIV and AIDS have turned out to be chronic illnesses rather than intensely fatal infections in numerous parts of the earth, their management using suitable supplements ought to be done appropriately (Kalichman 132). The provision of supplements differs between persons depending on the count of CD4 and the load of the virus. Failure to treat and support the body with supplements normally results in a lifespan of approximately twelve years. The chances of survival are determined by the subtype of the virus infection. After the intake of supplements by the patients under treatment, the death rate is seen to go down by more than seventy-five percent. The use of supplements elevates the life expectancy of the patients considerably. However, the late start of the use of supplements means the body will hardly restore its healthy state.
The principal basis of deaths from AIDS is cancer and opportunistic infections. Both causes are due to progressive immune system failure. Increased use of supplements to counter infections immensely reduces deaths from cancer. When the count of CD4 is at the lower end, there is a higher risk of the development of cancer. The speed of the progression of the clinical illness differs broadly between people and has exhibited to be influenced by many factors like an individual’s susceptibility and function of immunity. The co-existence of tuberculosis as a co-infection is the chief cause of illness and death in the victims of HIV and AIDS. The percentage of deaths related to tuberculosis has rocketed in recent years. Supplements that are likely to strengthen the immune system and trim down the chances of being infected by tuberculosis are given to patients suffering from AIDS. The supplements that are best known to avert the thriving of hepatitis C, which also forms frequent co-infection with AIDS, are administered to sick people. Supplements ward off cancers related to HIV and AIDS, namely un-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
Fifty percent of chief executive officers of a selected organization encouraged the use of supplements along with antiretroviral drugs. The other half of the chief executive officers gave the recommendation tasks for the use of supplements only to their subordinate staff. The managers from the diagnosis department revealed that a third of their patients suffering from the AIDS virus preferred using supplements together with a balanced diet in the management of the AIDS virus. Two-thirds of the managers in the other departments recommended that patients with AIDS infection increase the use of supplements to boost their immune system. Half of the staff members told that there was a deficiency in the supply of supplements related to the management of the AIDS infection. Two-thirds of the patients using both antiretroviral drugs and supplements were tested to be healthier than those using antiretroviral drugs alone. The patients who never used any supplements or antiretroviral drugs demonstrated bad health.
The adverse effects of the AIDS virus infection ought to be controlled by the use of supplements to circumvent the advancement of the disease. Preventive measures of the AIDS virus should be taken with a lot of seriousness to avoid the unnecessary spreading of an infectious illness (Kalichman 234). The immune system should be stabilized by the regular use of supplements, but it ought to be done by the physicians’ advice. The combination of supplements and antiretroviral drugs remains the best option for people with HIV and AIDS infection (Farrar 36). Proper counseling and advice must be given to individuals suffering from the AIDS virus on the significance of using supplements. Both balanced diet and supplements should be encouraged to be employed for strengthening the immune system of people with infectious diseases. All medical practitioners ought to advise on the use of supplements for the population with the AIDS virus. The governments of various countries should intensify the supply of supplements to the medical centers to avoid possible shortages.
AIDS, being an infectious disease, is a global pandemic that can affect any individual. Measures to prevent the spreading of the disease need to be innovated further since a concrete cure is yet to be achieved (Herek, Capitanio, and Widaman 371). Certain systems and techniques for the alleviation of the impact of the illness have been achieved and patients should take advantage of the opportunity to live longer. Supplements, being one of the methods of boosting the immunity of the patients in agony due to the infection, ought to be taken seriously and used by the patients. Correct use of supplements is to the advantage of the patients’ life. The opportunistic infections that emerge during the sickness are easily suppressed by the proper administering of supplements into the diet of the patient.

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