Diamond Ring

Diamond Ring
People often say that appearance is deceiving, and it is precisely my case. Please, do not believe your eyes when you look at me. I may be old, but still beautiful in my own way. I may seem ordinary, but I looked gorgeous when I was young. Several years ago, people liked me and used to say I added meaning to their life. Then, I was not as lonely as I am now because the Diamond, my precious companion, would spend hours with me. Memories of the old good days still make me proud. So, let me tell you the story of who I used to be. Listen to the story of the Diamond Ring.
I had always known I would become someone great. I enjoyed being a bar of gold, but wanted to be more than that. I wanted to fulfill my potential by becoming someone important. I did not want to live for myself. I wanted to make someone other’s life meaningful. I felt my dreams would come true soon on the day when one young gentleman came into my native jewelry store and asked for something special. I could not see him because I lied in the box, but I liked his voice immediately. He recommended himself as James Aldridge, who was going to propose to his girlfriend Stacey. Our jewelry designer Mr. Thompson said he had a special idea for that occasion. He offered the young gentleman a ring with a nice diamond, and they agreed upon the design.
When the customer had left, I felt the time came. With a sketch in his hand, Mr. Thompson came to the box I lied in and picked me up. “We have work to do,” he said smiling. I smiled back though he did not notice it. Then he put me aside and called Mr. Smith, our jeweler. The latter started his routine from taking a piece of carving wax (Kallenberg 101). With the help of compasses, he measured the width and carefully sawn the piece of wax needed. He scored the size of the corresponding instrument with his trammels (Codina 78). His next step was reproducing the same size on a rough work piece of the ring form. After marking a ring opening for the finger, Mr. Smith took a drill and carefully carved out the hole, which he had marked. He polished the wax both inside and outside. I did not know how much time had passed as I was totally absorbed with what I saw.
Next, with the help of compasses he measured the center where he marked a special channel. Then he took a drill by means of a thin nozzle and carved out the channel. Then, with the help of a needle file, he scrubbed the latter and made the ring of a round shape in accordance with the sketch (Le Van 98). Then he attached wax claws and a wax stem to the model. After that, he put it on the base of the cylinder used to cast the ring. The base went to the platform of the vacuum machine (Codina 80). Mr. Smith put the cylinder on the base and poured a special plaster into it. Vacuum sucked all air out of the plaster. It was the key part of the process because if any air bubbles remained, the ring would be out of shape. This process took less than a minute. After that, the cylinder was placed into the furnace at 1350 degrees Fahrenheit (Hieu and Ha 2170). The wax model was thus evaporated leaving the shape of the ring in the hardened plaster.
After this procedure, Mr. Smith came to me, and I became very excited. A hot bath was waiting for me because he was going to melt me. Then he poured me into the cylinder and left in the furnace for five hours. While melting he added some nickel, copper and silver to me (Codina 65). “That one will have 18 karats,” he commented. I knew that from that moment on my life would never be the same again. In five hours, Mr. Smith took the cylinder from the furnace and placed it into the casting machine. The latter spun for about a minute, and I felt dizzy. After that, I had a contrast shower as our jeweler immersed the cylinder into cold water. Finally, I felt free, being released from the plaster sarcophagi. As a result, I felt renewed and different as, indeed, I was no longer a bar of gold. Now, I was a golden ring.
Nevertheless, my surface was still rough, and Mr. Smith started filing me. He sawed stem files and did everything he could to make me smooth. To tell the truth, I felt like tickling then, but I liked it. Our jeweler finished his work with stemming the trademark and hammering me on the mandrel to make perfectly round. I thought he was right, as I wanted to look perfect. After that, Mr. Smith passed me to Mr. Adams, our polisher and my personal masseur. He ran me against a series of buffing wheels (Ramsay) and I was happy. It was the best massage ever, which made me bright and shiny. Finally, I traveled to Mr. Jones, our specialist of setting gemstones. He carefully straightened my claws and prepared it to be a perfect match for a diamond. Then I first saw my life companion, one and the only Diamond. Mr. Jones polished the inside of the claws and set the Diamond in them. The Diamond winked to me, and we went swimming into the ultrasonic machine (Le Van 149) to make me extremely clean and beautiful. At the moment I saw myself in the mirror, I felt ecstatic. I saw a beautiful ring, the one I always wanted to become. Besides, I found a new friend and could share my happiness with him.
The next day, James Aldridge called for me. It was time to start a new life in a new place. I whispered goodbye to all the workers of the jeweler’s. I knew I would make someone happy, and it happened so. At the evening, Mr. Aldridge proposed Stacey, and she was happy. I still remember her laughing and calling all her friends to tell them about engagement. “You should see the ring,” she would say, “It is magnificent. I am so happy.” I was happy too and spent the night talking to the Diamond about our future. By that time, we knew each other better, and I had a feeling I had known him for my entire life. Indeed, we spent decades together. Stacey used to wear me daily, and she was never tired of talking how happy she was. Then, Stacey got pregnant, and her fingers became bigger. She took me off, and I started living in a cute box. I spent nearly forty years in that box, but I had nothing to complaint about. I was a witness of someone’s life and knew I contributed to the happy marriage of the Aldridges.
Two years ago, my life changed. Stacey decided to recycle me to make a new ring as a present to her sister. One day she brought me to the jeweler’s, and I went again through all the stages of making a ring (Ramsay). I did not mind, but it was a sad day to me. The specialist of setting gemstones took the Diamond away, and I lost my friend. My appearance changed, and I became an average ring, the one you can see everywhere in stores. I accepted my new look and learned how to live with that. Stacey’s sister likes me very much and treats me kindly. Still, I like to recall the old good days when I was young and beautiful. I was a special ring and so my dream came true. I am proud of living a good life as a Diamond Ring.

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